
Could it be...

Today has been filled with questions and rumors. Aaron and I had an interview at 8am and the pastor began by asking us about Nestingen. After listening to a recording of the student question session, Aaron arrived at a new theory about the resignation, I mean retirement, but even Lull can't keep these two straight. Maybe Nestingen had a problem with the newly established administration, namely Bliese and Lose, as well as the new direction of Luther. So, they went out to Oregan to try to find common ground. Lori observed that Lose seemed to hold back while Lull was giving the students what she knew. Lose would be at the center, know it all and be on of the ones that the personal conflict existed between. Hmm, theories abound. Tonight we're going out with a rather large group of fellow theorist students. Well, for this week, commandment 8 is smashed to pieces.

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