
Can I Stand?

How hard it is to live in the richest nation in the world and realize it. What does it mean to be a citizen of the world and a citizen of the US? What is asked of me? What responsibilities are there for being an educated white female? This past week, I’ve heard three different sermons preached on Matthew 22:15-22. My favorite preacher, Dr. Mary Shore, preached one. In her sermon, she challenged but also preached the Gospel. Today in chapel a Canadian preacher used Luke 17:11-19. Again, the lesson had financial implications. As a student, I have less financial resources than others do, but my husband and I still have an apartment and resources to live very comfortable lifestyle even on US standards. In comparison to the citizens of the world, we are incredibly rich financially. What do we do? Where are we being called? What is being asked of us? How can we be responsible to the privilege and opportunity to study instead of working fulltime while still being good stewards? How can small luxuries (i.e. road trips, eating out, going to the see latest films) be justified? Do they need to be justified? How can I stand at the foot of the cross with the baggage I carry? How can I stand?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! I´m brazilian. My situation here is very different. If we can´t work, it´s not possible to study because it´s very expensive here. You are a lucky person, that´s all.