
Mom's House

This weekend I'm tag-team babysitting for a 3 1/2 and 7 year-old. For our afternoon together we headed out to my mom's to swim, to let them play with Katelynn and to have Shannon over. Shannon and I were lying on a oversized beach towel talking about the summer. We decided that Mom's is far enough from the city to be a retreat, but close enough to get to anytime. As a babysitter it was great. The kids had another kid to play with and endless play with two pools, a two story clubhouse, a 60 foot black-top driveway for bikes and scoters and a creek. Of all the places in Ohio I think Mom's and the Bradley's place feel the safest. Not safe in a watch your back someone will rob or kill you kind of way. I'm talking about a place where I can do what I feel like, say what I want to, wear whatever and sleep when I need to and no one will think less of me or question my actions. Mom's happens to be in the country. Shannon and I often slip away to lil hidden respites on the swing in the trees, on the glider front porch or on a beach blanket in the backyard. It's there that we talk about guys, plan gatherings, make fun of celebrity hair styles and solve our world's problems. Today the problem of Ohio came up. I feel blessed to have a summer at home, and I love being at Mom's. I also miss Aaron very much. I want it all - Ohio and Aaron. Soon the two will be together for a few short weeks. Soon.

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