

The first Tuesday of every month is Roman Catholic Mass in the Chapel of the Reconciliation at Augie. Today is the first Tuesday.

Any Catholics out there or enlightened catholics help! Every time I go to mass I feel alienated. Words like ‘those who are worthy’ are spoken meaning ‘you, Lutheran, are NOT worthy!’ An institution is separating me from Jesus’ command - “do this in remembrance of me.” I am rejected by the words and elements that give me the benefits of Christ.

So, why did I go today? Because Mass at Augie is for Catholics and those who are ‘Catholic friendly’. I consider myself Catholic friendly, but I found out today that I need to be Catholic friendly without going to Mass.

I feel wounded, and I want to crawl under my desk and cry. The last time I was at Mass was Christmas Eve of all times. I cried through the entire Mass. Then I thought it was that I was in SD and not Ohio, but I now realize it’s also because I was rejected and not welcome at my Lord’s table. I can’t subject myself to this. I need to be writing a bible study for tonight, returning phone calls and emails, but I am rejected.

1 comment:

Gunslinger said...


I know the feeling you are going through. Please keep in mind that the holy mother church is a man (intentionally not gender neutral)made institution and being deemed unworthy in her eyes puts you in good company like the Mary's that all got smushed together and then made a prostitute on top of it 300 years after they had assumed room temperature.

The catholics rejected you yes, but not Jesus and not God. As one who has been rejected by Lutherans, believe me (and I know that you know this) there is a huge difference between the church and God. He gets a capital letter, they don't. :)

I pray that God wrap his loving arms around you to bridge the distance that these human ones that can not.

If you need to talk, call (440) 567-0567.
