
Humbled by New Orleans

New Orleans

On CNN’s website the Mayor of New Orleans gets real with a reporter. He talks about the lack of resources given to the city. From reports I’ve found the director of FEMA has been running around with his tail between his legs. The Mayor lashes out at the President and others. He asks people to flood offices with letters and calls as well as stop press conferences.

The biggest news from this report is how he gets real about the lawlessness. The real reason people are looting, shooting and stealing is because the poor drug addicts were left behind. Addicts cannot go cold turkey, especially in a situation like the one in New Orleans. The reports of people breaking into drugstores and hospitals are reports of addicts trying to get something to take the edge off.

The report is amazing! True desperation of a Mayor who cares about his city and who is willing to do anything is talking. He is not a polished speaker, he is a powerful, and emotion filled Mayor who knows what his city needs, but can’t get it fast enough.

To listen to the Mayor go to CNN and click on WATCH: Mayor ‘Get Off Your Asses’

Other coverage I’ve been paying attention to is the Times Picayune. The paper is only available online now as the offices are underwater. I first heard about it on NPR. There are tens of thousands of postings of people looking for entire families. Once I began reading these it broke my heart. One posting I read was of a place where there are 300 refugees. They are without food and water. To make matters worse the place is filled with many diabetics.

Right now I am in an odd situation. Aaron and I are unpacking our apartment. We are sorting through wonderful wedding gifts and running to Target to get what we need to finish making the apartment our home as I read and listen to accounts of thousands who have died and many more who are on the verge of death. We are so fortunate. We are so humbled.

1 comment:

Amber said...

I totally know what you mean about being humbled by the hurricane. D was so stressed out by the whole home buying thing, and I was starting to get there too.
As I watched Dateline late last week, there was a couple who had nothing left but each other, their SUV (that got a flat tire just when they thought things couldn't be worse) and their kids. I feel so blessed just to be able to buy a house right now and that their are even houses standing for us to be able to live in. Who cares about all of the other crap that goes with it. We are so fortunate. Also, I feel like I can understand better what it means to lose a home that you works so hard to get.

I cried so hard when I watched that story on Dateline. Makes you appreciate life a lot more. D has mellowed out a lot since the hurricane.