
Ethics and 3.2 Beer

Well, I have a ethics post due in 3 hours and 31 minutes. While gearing up for ethics Aaron decided to grab a Leinenkugel's, "A Northwoods favorite brewed in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin by 73 people who care", then Lori grabbed a Miller High Life and brought me one. As I opened it I realized there was writing on the top. The last few High Life's I've had have been purchased at a gas station. Well, in the lovely state of Minnesota you can only buy 3.2 at gas stations. While at the grocery Monday, I picked up a 12-pack of High Life. Back to the writing on the top. It's only 3.2 beer from the grocery too! Lori and Aaron laughed at me and then began to educate me saying that in Minnesota you HAVE to go to the liquor store to get the real stuff. Who knew? Well, wonderful alcohol laws from other states. In Wisconsin, alcohol is legal in parks. In Nebraska, you can buy alcohol until midnight. In South Dakota, you can buy anything at the grocery stores. In Ohio, sales end at 1am and everything's available until at least 10pm. Ohio awesomeness extends to drive through kegs. Yes, you can drive through, pick up a keg and never get out of you car (provided you have a trunk pop). Well, that's the news from Lake Burntvedt- where all the women are clueless and the men are drinking 3.2 beer.


Amber said...

You should write a state by stae guide on this sort of thing. It may come in handy for the traveling alcoholic in all of us. You may want to note in your book that in Kentucky you'll probably will have to drive to the next county to get beer.


Chris said...


When we were in KY we brought our own beer because of county laws. It's like that in Tennessee and areas of West Virginia too! Why do those damn southerners try to limit partying?
