
Gray Hair

Today after lunch I was brushing my hair before returning to work. I noticed a hair that didn’t look like the others. At first I thought it was the sun coming in the bathroom window, and then I realized it was a gray hair. I searched the right side of my head until I could pull it out (yes, I know two will take its place, but I had to know for sure) and examine - it was a bona fide gray hair. I needed to get back to the office so I did a quick 2 minute search of my head and found this hair to be an anomaly, yet this hair wasn’t the first of it’s kind in my head, two years ago my stylist found one. I’m too young for color that’s functional. I should only be thinking of fun colors, not ones to cover gray!

1 comment:

Amber said...

A few months ago I noticed some gray hairs too. It was a bit alarming, especially considering how young my father went gray. Dustin has tons of gray hairs and he refuses to use the just for men when the time comes.