

Here's a quick update...

Internship is in full swing. The Augie students are awesome! Sioux Falls living is pretty fun - there isn't a place in the city I can't get to in less than 15 minutes or less.

Latest news:
-My bro is married as of 8/29
-On our flight to TN for my bro's wedding Aaron and I took a bump and got two free round trip anywhere in the continental US - going to FL or CA in January!
-I'll be leading a Service/Learning trip to the Twin Cities in Oct.
-I'll be leading a Service/Learning trip to New Orleans over spring break
-While moving to Sioux Falls I decided to put together another bloggish website instead of unpacking. Much of what I post here is there and vice versa, but it's format is a lil different. Check it out at myspace.com/matson

Okay, one funny story. So, Aaron and I went through the Cincy airport on our way to Knoxville, TN instead of Chicago-O'Hare. Anyone who flies the Midwest knows the headaches of O'Hare. Aaron and I took the bump and ended up with a 2-hour layover. We got off the plane to find out there wasn't even a terminal change involved in getting on our next flight. We had what Aaron swears is the second best hamburger he's ever had at a place called 'The Pub'. It was an English themed pub where he had two Smithwicks and an 8-days a Week Martini (think the Beatles). Anyway, we paid the tab and went to the restrooms before boarding. On the way to the gate I bought bottles of water for us to chug (dehydrations important) and some Swedish Fish (think gummy worms). We’re getting up to board the plane and he asks, “Are Swedish Fish considered gels?” I died laughing at him before shoving them in my backpack before the gate attendant saw them: )

Note: All photos are in TN cabins. The window and mountain photos are from our cabin. The remaining photos were at Todd and LA's wedding cabin.


Amber said...

Chrissy - The guy in the bottom pic wearing camo looks like a thinner version of Harrison Ford. Who is that?

Chris said...

That's 'Old Dave' a good friend of my dad, Dave. I've known him since I was born, he's a free spirit, he disappears for a few years then appears with crazy stories. Kinda reminds me of a Jimmy Buffet without any musical talent.