
Mauled Funk

"When he [Elisha] turned around and saw them, he cursed them in the name of the LORD. Then two she-bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys." -2 Kings 2.24

Tonight a group of students and I will discuss this verse in context although by itself the verse entertaining. Cursing and mauling always makes for a good discussion. Lately life has mauled me. It’s winter without snow. I helped with a funeral for the first time Sunday. Last night I watched my Buckeyes get mauled and die at the hands of Gators.

Overall things aren’t bad they just are funky. Maybe it’s good ole cabin fever, I don’t know. Cold without snow leads to lots of time inside. Maybe it’s the natural flow of life after the holiday hoopla. I’m tired but I can’t sleep. I feel hungry but I’ve eaten so much when I eat again I feel painfully stuffed. Maybe it’s anticipation funk. I’m super psyched about our trip to Jamaica in 20 days and about moving to Ohio in August, but right now it’s the same stuff and it’s just not that fun. Hmm, hopefully it’ll end soon.

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