
Tire Shopping, My Family's Way

This is a public service announcement and '‘how to'’ of sorts. I have been giving tire buying advice, and would like to share the knowledge. Note: this will only work in a large metropolitan area.

1. Go out to your car and get the tire info off your tires
2. Spend up to 20 minutes calling all possible shops within a 15 miles radius to check prices
a. This step is ONLY for price checking
b. Generally, you want to avoid dealerships, they'’ll just rip you off
c. Mom and pop places are full of great deals, most of the time
d. If you have AAA call for a list of places they recommend
e. You can save up to $50 here, when was the last time you made $50 in 20 minutes (if you ever have, other than tire shopping, I don'’t want to know about it!)
3. Call back the place with the best value for what you want
4. Schedule an appointment and add 45 minutes to the time estimate (this has saved many headaches)
5. Enjoy your new tires: drive on rain, snow and sleet while being in full control (most of the time)

This public service announcementment was brought to you by...Chris, Jack and Jack

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