
DC Sites

Library of Congress

Union Station

Preparations were underway for a dinner honoring V.P. Biden

If you click on this pic to make it bigger so that you can read the card tucked in the napkin

U.S> Supreme Court

The U.S. Capitol


People waiting to go through security at the Cannon House Office Building

Our line at the Hart Senate Office Building

Special thanks Senator Tim Johnson for the ticket!

Tickets and our invitation to the Inauguration

We had tickets to stand in the blue section

Inauguration Day

The Branch Ave. Metro Station at 4am

We ate breakfast at Union Station

A look at the back of the U.S. Capitol. In just a few hours the President took the oath of office on the other side

Waiting in line to go through security

Entering the Blue Gate

Finally entering the Capitol grounds at 11am

Our view

Snipers were on all buildings

Biden takes an oath

Yo-Yo Ma

President Obama

People walking down the freeway after the big event