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A Thanksgiving Rant
Finding time to write these days has been harder than ever before. I forgot about the quick pace of life I lead Ohio. I certainly have much to be thankful for: seminary, youth, family and friends, but wow are these things exhausting! I can’t begin to explain the past few months, so I’ll stick with the past week and random highlights.
One of the coolest parts of my fall semester at Trinity was Choral Evensong. Trinity has two choirs, one is a liturgical choir that sings during Eucharist on Wednesday. The second comes together to rehearse one large work. This year over 65 students and friends of Trinity came together to sing Haydn’s Paukenmesse (Mass in Time of War) we were accompanied by a 20-piece orchestra and some of the top local opera singers. Paukenmesse is set in the sermon rubric in the Service of Light. It was great to have family at worship; Mom, Jack, Grandma and Aaron were in attendance. Following the worship we all went to the Monk for drinks and some great live jazz. Part of being near so many people I love means I am never able to spend as much time with them all as I would like. The evening provided the perfect excuse for us to come together and enjoy each other’s presence and a few fine chocolate martinis.
Another highlight would have to be the Luther Bowl. On Luther’s birthday, November 10th 8 seminaries came together in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania to play flag football. The winner gets the championship Book of Concord and bobble head Luther. Trinity won the championship the past two years, but had to let it go home with the folks from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. It was a sad day. Aaron and the rest of the Trinity players fought hard, but the battle was just too much.
The Luther Bowl set me up for a really rough week. My due dates for the following week were… Monday, New Testament II take home exam due. Tuesday, Pastor as Leader critical question due. Wednesday, Feminist Biblical Interpretation, 10 page paper on Naming the Holy due and our class attended For the Bible Tells Me So that evening followed by a discussion until 1:30a. Thursday I was sick with a fever, but that was gone by Friday. Friday I wrote my 10 page exegetical paper for New Testament II due today because this was quite the busy weekend.
Friday night, Aaron and I finally hosted a few friends for dinner and games. Saturday Ohio State crushed the team up north and Briseis had her first birthday party. Sunday, I taught Sunday School and then led 11 5-6th graders and chaperons on a pizza party and bowling field trip followed by 24 7-12th graders and chaperones at a Blue Jackets game. The Jackets lost after the second shoot out. The day was a blast but quite exhausting. Working with youth isn’t my most passionate area in ministry, but my it’s fun! Today I’m catching my breath and preparing to celebrate my victory over class work and craziness with classmates in the Short North with $1 Margaritas.
The plan is for this week to be a much-needed time to catch my breath. I think I have it scheduled to meet the needs of catching up with folks, but not too crazy of a time. On Wednesday night we’re probably staying with the Bradley’s as the night promises to be late, filled with cooking and friends from afar. Thursday Aaron and I will make three turkey dinners and Friday we’ll be with my folk’s for a end of the year bonfire party. Saturday the only obligation thus far is getting Aaron some new shoes at the outlet ‘cause Mom just got a 40% Reebok coupon and possibly a movie. Sunday it’s back to work, but then Christmas isn’t far off. Oh, and last week I was approved to take January off. So, this January I’ll be working and traveling. I’m thinking Hocking Hills, Chicago, Milwaukee, NYC and DC, but we’ll see.
I know this seems a little long, but really, it’s nothing compared to the 20 pages I wrote last week. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
One of the coolest parts of my fall semester at Trinity was Choral Evensong. Trinity has two choirs, one is a liturgical choir that sings during Eucharist on Wednesday. The second comes together to rehearse one large work. This year over 65 students and friends of Trinity came together to sing Haydn’s Paukenmesse (Mass in Time of War) we were accompanied by a 20-piece orchestra and some of the top local opera singers. Paukenmesse is set in the sermon rubric in the Service of Light. It was great to have family at worship; Mom, Jack, Grandma and Aaron were in attendance. Following the worship we all went to the Monk for drinks and some great live jazz. Part of being near so many people I love means I am never able to spend as much time with them all as I would like. The evening provided the perfect excuse for us to come together and enjoy each other’s presence and a few fine chocolate martinis.
Another highlight would have to be the Luther Bowl. On Luther’s birthday, November 10th 8 seminaries came together in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania to play flag football. The winner gets the championship Book of Concord and bobble head Luther. Trinity won the championship the past two years, but had to let it go home with the folks from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. It was a sad day. Aaron and the rest of the Trinity players fought hard, but the battle was just too much.
The Luther Bowl set me up for a really rough week. My due dates for the following week were… Monday, New Testament II take home exam due. Tuesday, Pastor as Leader critical question due. Wednesday, Feminist Biblical Interpretation, 10 page paper on Naming the Holy due and our class attended For the Bible Tells Me So that evening followed by a discussion until 1:30a. Thursday I was sick with a fever, but that was gone by Friday. Friday I wrote my 10 page exegetical paper for New Testament II due today because this was quite the busy weekend.
Friday night, Aaron and I finally hosted a few friends for dinner and games. Saturday Ohio State crushed the team up north and Briseis had her first birthday party. Sunday, I taught Sunday School and then led 11 5-6th graders and chaperons on a pizza party and bowling field trip followed by 24 7-12th graders and chaperones at a Blue Jackets game. The Jackets lost after the second shoot out. The day was a blast but quite exhausting. Working with youth isn’t my most passionate area in ministry, but my it’s fun! Today I’m catching my breath and preparing to celebrate my victory over class work and craziness with classmates in the Short North with $1 Margaritas.
The plan is for this week to be a much-needed time to catch my breath. I think I have it scheduled to meet the needs of catching up with folks, but not too crazy of a time. On Wednesday night we’re probably staying with the Bradley’s as the night promises to be late, filled with cooking and friends from afar. Thursday Aaron and I will make three turkey dinners and Friday we’ll be with my folk’s for a end of the year bonfire party. Saturday the only obligation thus far is getting Aaron some new shoes at the outlet ‘cause Mom just got a 40% Reebok coupon and possibly a movie. Sunday it’s back to work, but then Christmas isn’t far off. Oh, and last week I was approved to take January off. So, this January I’ll be working and traveling. I’m thinking Hocking Hills, Chicago, Milwaukee, NYC and DC, but we’ll see.
I know this seems a little long, but really, it’s nothing compared to the 20 pages I wrote last week. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

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