I received an email today that I need to share. On my first trip to El Salvadow I stayed with the Santos Ramirez family. If you’ve been to our apartment you’ve seen some of Luis Ramirez Zelada's art. Luis has been trying to get into the US by paying a coyote. He went missing after failing to cross the border twice. Below is the translated message from Pastor Santiago – a Salvadoran and a great friend.
Santiago writes…
Este dia se realizo en la casa concordia un encuentro juvenil denominado : " Migracion , Pobreza y Esperanza".
Today in the Casa Concordia we had a youth meeting entitled: "Migration, Poverty and Hope."
Dentro del cual la familia de Luis, su madrecita Angelita Santos Ramirez, sus hermanas Maria, Marta, su sobrinita Vanesa hija de Guadalupe y Marcelino Hijo su cuñado y yo presentamos el caso de la migracion de Luis de la comunidad y la Iglesia Luterana "Los heroes".
During this meeting the family of Luis, his mother Angelita Santos Ramirez, his sisters Maria, Marta, his niece Vanessa, daughter of Guadalupe, and his brother-in-law Marcelino Jr. and I presented the case of the migration of Luis from the community and Lutheran Church Los Heroes.
El se fue de El Salvador la ultima vez el 24 de mayo 2006 y ha enviado una carta con fecha 26 de junio, informando que esta preso en el Centro Correccional de Texas, va pasar ahi 4 meses y luego sera trasladado.
He left from El Salvador the last time on May 24, 2006, and has sent a letter dated June 26th, informing us that he is in the Correctional Center of Texas. He will be there 4 months and then be moved.
Por ahora lo mas urgente es que el reciba cartas de sus familiares, amigos, hermanos y hermanas de El Salvador y de nuestras hermandades.
For now the most urgent thing is that he receives letters from family members, friends, brothers and sisters from El Salvador and from our partnerships.
Este dia el Departamento de Derechos Humanos de la Iglesia Luterana ha tomado el caso con mucha fuerza, les pido en nombre de Luis y de su familia sus oraciones y sus cartas.
On this day the Department of Human Rights of the Lutheran Church has taken this case very seriously and asks you, in the name of Luis and his family, for your prayers and your letters.
El necesita mucha ayuda espiritual, el esta leyendo la biblia y pide que le le enviemos revistas de la Iglesia, en su carta dice que no hay ningun problema escribirle o dejarle recados por telefono.
He needs much spiritual help. He is reading the Bible and asks for writings from the Church. In his letter he says that there is no problem writing him or leaving messages by phone.
Lo importante es comunicarse con el y que sienta nuestra hermandad y solidaridad. Por favor hermanas Linda, Vonda, Rafael compartan esta noticia y escriban a Luis les aseguro que le haremos un gran favor.
The most important thing is to communicate with him so that he feels our partnership and solidarity. Please share this news and write to Luis. I assure you that we are doing a great favor.
Les envio la direccion y el numero de telefono del lugar donde se encuentra:
I send you the address and the telephone number of the place where he is found:
Luis Alonso Ramirez Zelada
C. C. C. C.
6901 N.HWY.83
Cristal City
Texas C.P. 78839
Telephone: (830) 374-3447
Que Dios les bendiga y gracias por atender mis ruegos.
May God bless you and thank you for attending to my pleas.
Su hermano en Cristo.
Pastor Santiago Rodriguez.
Photos of the community Luis can be found HERE.
Quick Update
This past week was a busy one. I was in Rapid City leading a Day Camp of 80 campers (1st – 6th grades) at the same time the church held it’s VBS for 70 3-5 year olds. That’s 150 kids in one church! It was exhausting but it went really well.
Exciting and sad family stuff is going on. I’m going to Ohio for Grandma Wernicke’s 90th birthday at the end of July. When I called her today Todd was there and told me she broke her ankle on Friday. She sounds good, but she’s saying how stupid she is for falling. Also this week, Mom, Grandma Miller and Katelynn got tickets to come to South Dakota. We’re planning to go to the Twin Cities, Sioux Falls, Presho, Pierre and the Black Hills.
This week I’m off until Wednesday. Aaron and I are heading to Mike’s in Sioux Falls tomorrow for a 4th of July cookout. Fun times!
Exciting and sad family stuff is going on. I’m going to Ohio for Grandma Wernicke’s 90th birthday at the end of July. When I called her today Todd was there and told me she broke her ankle on Friday. She sounds good, but she’s saying how stupid she is for falling. Also this week, Mom, Grandma Miller and Katelynn got tickets to come to South Dakota. We’re planning to go to the Twin Cities, Sioux Falls, Presho, Pierre and the Black Hills.
This week I’m off until Wednesday. Aaron and I are heading to Mike’s in Sioux Falls tomorrow for a 4th of July cookout. Fun times!

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